Friday, August 1, 2014

Life is Not Fair Sometimes

Sometimes it can be hard to watch everyone else getting to do the things they love. And it can be even harder to watch people ride. All I want is to be able to work with horses. I would really like to be able to raise my own horse because it would be so cool to have a horse that is purely trained by me. I know that I am good with horses and I know that I could be so much better but it is hard when there is no where to go to ride (and it is so expensive when there is). But I also know that I will one day have a horse, it is just hard to think that it could be a while.
I am sure that I sound a little crazy and you may be thinking "Why is this girl so obsessed with horses?" And the answer is that it's the same as the thing that you are passionate about, it just doesn't make sense to you just like your passion may not make sense to someone else.

Tip of the Day

One way to improve your riding abilities is to continue to learn. There are plenty of books out there about horses and if you aren't a fan of reading then there is also youtube which has a ton of great videos where people show you things that the have learned. I even watch videos about things that I think that I am pretty knowledgeable about because there is a possibility that I don't know it as well as I thought I did. Also, don't be to proud when someone tells you something. There are a lot of aspects to horses and riding there is no way that you will ever know everything that there is to know. So if someone tells you something that they know don't just shoot down their idea or ignore it because "you know everything," give it some thought.